Hello everybody! today i have an interisting thing for you, it´s an app abou music, obviously. It´s a very good option if, for example, you have explain music terms and to send them as "homework" to review at home. 1. APP OR PLATFORM OF CHOICE: Name: Mussila Música URL: mussila musica Brief overview: This is an application aimed at the little ones, but not only for them. It is to learn in a fun way everything related to music, with a great design (neat and attractive) so that especially the little ones feel like learning while playing. Main features: the application has different games in which you can learn about music, visually or aurally; you can recognize melodies, rhythms and instruments. In this way, it serves to review what we have taught the children and to enhance auditory development. 2. Explain how it was found on the web (words used to search): We found it searching for "musical apps to use in the classroom for kids". 3. We have multiple choice of what...